Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Sylvan Pictures!

I think he's a keeper.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


What a beautiful babe. Welcome to the world Sylvan!
Born at 9:40 am on December the 15th. 7 lbs, 12 oz, 19.5 inches long.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Good job Hannah! Good job Kaleb! A little baby BOY! What a welcome addition. We love you dearly! Rest and take care of your wonderful selves. Yippee!!!
-your sister

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ready for launch!

Just wanted an excuse to post this picture, really! Hannah got this costume together for our band's last show before the baby comes. It was a Confidence Rock Hoot Night on November 10th, which means we got a bunch of bands together to play rock songs that would inspire awesomeness and motivational montage fodder. You Make Engine's set list was:
1. The Final Countdown (by Europe)
2. Theme From Rocky XIII (Weird Al's version of "Eye Of The Tiger")
3. Dressed For Success (by Roxette. Hannah had a wardrobe "malfunction" and showed off her Rocket belly)
4. Don't Stop Me Now (by Queen)
5. Go! (our original Confidence Rock song)

We've been quite domestic since, Hannah is nesting and we're both getting ready to take some time off work. For Hannah, that's training a new guy to take over for her. For me, I have to write a bunch of documents explaining how to do what I do. Hannah's family will be in town over Christmas, and my parents will be down the first week of January, it'll be great to have them down during what people assure me is a pretty hectic time.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Baby Update from Hannah

No signs of labor yet, we’re thinking baby will be cooking a few more weeks. I have one more week left of work, and then I’ll be nesting at home full time! Have been getting regular chiropractic adjustments, and had a WONDERFUL massage yesterday, and I’m feeling much better than I have any reason to feel at this stage of the game. I do still have a big ol’ belly to lug around everywhere, though. The physical processes of pregnancy are pretty astounding to witness firsthand, but I will sure be glad to see my toes again in a couple months!

I’ve also been doing some research into the Pregnant Mind. Now, I didn’t know much about this before I was pregnant myself, so I thought I’d reveal the results of my research for the benefit of humanity.

First and foremost, the Pregnant Mind is quite unstable. Not in a dangerous way, of course - I just seem to have lost at least half of my sense of humor and good grace (not that I was tremendously full of grace to begin with, mind you). I bring this up here because it seems that the most common trigger to upset the delicate balance of the Pregnant Mind lately is the simple question, “when’s the baby coming?” or its variant “have you had that baby yet?” I know it’s just an innocent expression of concern/interest, but the Pregnant Mind tends to overreact to these particular stimuli. So here’s your fair warning: call and ask this question at your own peril. I am taking calls on other questions though! The estimated due date is December 20, and yes, many babies are born before they’re due (many more are born after), but we promise we won’t forget to tell you about it when the day comes! We’ll be sending out an email with pictures and kicking off a phone tree just as soon as the baby is born. If you want to make sure we have you on those lists, send your info to Kaleb at kcasplund @ yahoo . com.

The Pregnant Mind is also obsessed with lists and their completion. I think we’re pretty close to ready, although there are a few more things I’d like to take care of around the house before baby comes. We’ve got a closet full of baby stuff assembled – seats and play gyms and other tools of the trade. Kaleb and I visited the baby store today and saw some great cloth diapers for nighttime, so we updated the felicite.com registry to include those. The diaper service will drop off our first set of regular diapers next week! I’ve been folding and re-folding everything, trying to imagine a little body to put in these tiny clothes… I don’t know if there’s really a way to prepare for another human to join our family. I’m trying to just be ready for anything.

Kaleb has been wonderful throughout my whole pregnancy. He seems to have more of an intuitive grasp of the unstable workings of the Pregnant Mind than I do. He knows when to get out of the way, and when to offer a hug… He indulges all of my innocuous crazy impulses and talks me out of the insane ones. We’re both looking forward to experiencing birth together, and I am truly grateful for his solid love and support!

Well, that’s about all I’ve got for now. Time to get back to that list…
Love, Hannah

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Anyone wishing to post

If you've made it to the blogspot and you'd like to post a comment you have three options.
#1. "comment" under someone elses post
#2. if you've gained a sign in name as an author, sign in using the little "sign in" link at the top right hand side of the page. Then click on "new post" or "+ post"
#3. write a note to me at emu211@yahoo.com and ask to be invited as an author so you can make your own posts!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Awesome CD! Thanks for sending us a copy. Gwendolyn loves to dance to it (well, we all do). Can't wait to see the baby; I suppose we can't wait to see you guys too. :)

Saturday, November 24, 2007


I hope this website is accessible to everyone! Make sure you all VOTE on what you think the gender of this little one will be. I really have tried. I love you Kaleb and Hannah. We missed you at Thanksgiving. Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to add to this blog and feel free to post pictures and comments at your leisure. Everybody else, "comment" whenever you like. I'll try to figure out how to let others make original posts soon. If anyone knows how, please tell me! Again, we love you Kaleb and Hannah! Take care!
-Esther Marie